The Houston Symposium in Philosophy of Religion presents a new series of talks about religion. It gathers scholars of all faiths from Houston, and other Texan universities, to share their research interests and to create a community. We invite faculty and students to join us, get to know their peers, and interact with the general public.
1-1:45 PM Sebastian Lecourt (University of Houston): “The Genres of Comparative Religion”
2-2:45 PM Nathan Smith (Houston Community College): “Montaigne, Pascal, and William James on the Reasons that Support and Distort Religious Belief”
3-3:45 PM Fr. Dempsey Rosales Acosta (University of St. Thomas): “Amos: A Prophet Who Denies Being a Nabi’. The Sitz im Leben of Amos 7:14”
Moderator: Mirela Oliva (University of St. Thomas)