The Boniuk Center for the Future of Holocaust, Human Rights and Genocide Education

The Boniuk Center physically and conceptually houses Holocaust Museum Houston’s Education Department. The physical space holds four classrooms, staff offices, storage rooms, and a library.


Holocaust Museum Houston builds a more humane society by promoting responsible individual behavior, cultivating civility, and pursuing social justice.


Holocaust Museum Houston is dedicated to educating people about the Holocaust, remembering the 6 million Jews and other innocent victims and honoring the survivors’ legacy. Using the lessons of the Holocaust and other genocides, we teach the dangers of hatred, prejudice and apathy.


We envision a society that transforms ignorance into respect for human life, that remembers the Holocaust, and affirms an individual’s responsibility for the collective actions of society.
HMH is recognized across the Holocaust education world as an innovator and an institution who reveres the memories that shape our work. With this legacy, HMH’s Boniuk Center for the Future of Holocaust, Human Rights and Genocide Studies will create new ground using pioneering education initiatives.


The major organizations with whom we work to create our programs help shape our work.

The Education Department prides ourselves on locating and using the most up-to-date, relevant and accurate resources in developing our work. We are inspired by and regularly work with materials from our colleagues at the following organizations. You will also find these organizations listed under content/interests.

Facing History and Ourselves
Learning for Justice
USC Shoah Foundation
The Jewish Foundation for the Righteous
Echoes and Reflections
The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
Yad Vashem
Canadian Museum for Human Rights 
Montreal Holocaust Museum