“Stories of Survival” Virtual Program

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Holocaust Museum Houston proudly invites you to an exclusive behind the scenes look at Stories of Survival: Object. Image. Memory. This special event will feature Illinois Holocaust Museum & Education Center Curator Arielle Weininger and Photographer Jim Lommasson.

Stories of Survival: Object. Image. Memory. is an epic exhibition showcasing more than 60 personal artifacts brought to America by Survivors of the Holocaust and other genocides. Exploring the relationship between objects, their meaning to the original owner and subsequent significance, each artifact is dramatically paired with oversized photographs by renowned documentarian Jim Lommasson with handwritten responses by Survivors or their family members.

Stories of Survival: Object. Image. Memory. is a project of the Illinois Holocaust Museum & Education Center and photographer Jim Lommasson.

January 28, 2021
6:00 PM - 7:15 PM
