Nelson Mandela, the Civil Rights and Anti-Apartheid Movements, and Human Rights

Click the play button to watch the recorded program.

Moderator: John Guess Jr., Chief Executive Officer Emeritus, Houston Museum of African American Culture

Participants: County Commissioner Rodney Ellis, Eileen and Kase Lawal and Dr. Cassius Lubisi.

Before serving as a County Commissioner, Rodney Ellis was elected to Houston City Council and served three terms before being elected to the Texas Senate in 1990 where he served for 26 years; Eileen & Dr. Kase Lawal are Houston entrepreneurs and philanthropists; Dr. Cassius Lubisi is the former Presidency Director-General for the Republic of South Africa.

Admission is free, but pre-registration is required. Donations are welcomed.

October 22, 2020
6:30 PM - 7:30 PM
