Holocaust Remembrance Toolkit

Texas Holocaust Remembrance Week, as mandated by SB 1828, asks Texas school districts to include Holocaust education in their curriculum annually in January. During the 2024-2025 school year, Texas Holocaust Remembrance Week is January 27-31.

Holocaust Museum Houston offers free resources to make observing Texas Holocaust Remembrance Week easy. These resources are TEKS-aligned and can also be utilized at any time during the school year.

The Holocaust Remembrance Toolkit

Texas teachers can download free toolkit that can be used during Texas Holocaust Remembrance Week or any time during the school year. The toolkit contains:

  • A booklet with five full lessons and five micro lessons (designed to be presented in 10 minutes or less) on different aspects of the Holocaust
  • Worksheets and primary sources
Holocaust Museum Houston would like to thank the Texas Holocaust, Genocide and Antisemitism Advisory Commission for generously providing the funding that made this project possible.
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This project was partially underwritten by funding from the Houston Jewish Community Foundation.