HMH at Home Ep. 3: Universal Declaration of Human Rights

HMH Educator Amy Frake and Librarian Jenna Norris walk you through Week 3 of our HMH at Home video series. This week continues our exploration into the concept of human rights, focusing on the creation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.


Challenge question: Why are human rights important?

Format: Fiction and non-fiction, including (but not limited to) short story, poetry (any type), persuasive essay, memoir, song, personal essay, play

Language: English or Spanish

Length: Up to six pages

You must be between the ages of 12 and 19 to submit.

Due: submit your essay between June 19 and July 24

How to submit: By email or by mail (address below)

Holocaust Museum Houston
Lester and Sue Smith Campus
5401 Caroline St.
Houston, TX 77004