Educator’s Notebook
Welcome to the Educator’s Notebook, a place for the Museum’s education faculty to share valuable insight on teaching and learning about the Holocaust, human rights, and social justice.
Why the Holocaust Still Matters Today
One of the perks of being an educator at Holocaust Museum Houston is that thousands of students are touched by ...
Why Does the Museum Have a Human Rights Gallery?
We are asked, all too often, why does Holocaust Museum Houston have a permanent Human Rights Gallery? The simple answer ...
National Library Week: Book Recommendations
Our library may be closed to the public right now, but we’re still spending the week celebrating libraries and the ...
National Library Week
If you ask someone what makes a library, the simple answer is books. Probably lots of them put in some ...
Boniuk Library Resource Spotlight: Oral Testimonies
There’s something compelling about looking a person in the eye as they tell you a story. Especially if the story ...