All Behaviors Count

The All Behaviors Count program examines the five forms of social cruelty—taunting, rumoring, exclusion, ganging up, and bullying—and uses contemporary commercials, Holocaust survivor testimony, storytelling, and poetry to highlight the negative impact these harmful behaviors can have on targeted individuals. Through guided discussions and interactive activities, educators and students learn to identify and respond to social cruelty as empowered Upstanders and develop skills that will help them create positive, inclusive spaces for all.

The All Behaviors Count curriculum is designed to be used throughout the school year in Pre-K through 12th-grade classrooms and includes subject matter connections in social studies, language arts, and the fine arts. Our curriculum is available for FREE and can be accessed by clicking the link below.

All Behaviors Count Curriculum [PDF]

If you would like more information on the All Behaviors Count program or are interested in bringing this program to your school, please contact